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Friday, November 20, 2009

Sylvester Stallone Getting Buff For The Expendables

Man he is looking great for his age. I think 60 is the new 40 - at least by looking at Stalone (62). Here's a video of him in the gym getting ready for The Expendables:

Behind the Scenes of The Expendables

Here's a glimpse of Stalone directing a scene from his new movie The Expendables:

It's always awesome to see these guys at work. It's good to know Sylvester Stallone is still at the top of his game.

The Expendables Movie Trailer and Awesome Cast

An "expendable" team is hired to do jobs that no one else can or will. They're sent to infiltrate a South American country to overthrow a ruthless dictator.

Can you believe this cast? I'd never thought you'd get all these guys in a movie. Here's the official trailer:

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